01Parents are requested to ensure that their wards are smartly turned out to school every day.
02Parents are expected to check and sign the school diary and extend full co-operation in
compliance with the instructions given it.
03Parents should ensure that their wards take a keen interest in all school activities.
04Parents should attend the Parent Teacher meetings regularly to monitor
the progress of their wards. Only Parents/Guardians are authorized to attend Parent
Teacher Meetings. People such as tutors and neighbors are not permitted to attend the meetings.
05Parents are expected to ensure that their wards are on their best
behavior even after school to keep up the good name of the school.
06Parents are always welcome to school and are encouraged to
discuss any problem about their wards but they must seek prior appointments for such meetings.
07The School Authorities shall recognize only the authorized person while transacting
all official matters relating to the school. Specimen signatures of authorized
persons must be appended to the admission form.
08Parents Authorized persons must mention the class, section,
and admission number to their ward in all written communication to the school.
09Parents are requested not to give gifts or parents to members of staff.
The School shall take a serious view of the same.
10Kindly inform the school in writing if there is any change in your address and telephone number.
11Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her possessions.
There should be a name tag on blazers & sweaters and other belongings.
12Students are not permitted to bring junk food, non-vegetarian food, or aerated drinks to school.
13Only nutritious lunch/tiffin should be brought to school every day.
14If your ward is absent from school, it is his/her responsibility to catch
up with all the work he/she has missed.
15 Eminent parents are kindly informed that school rules are the same for all and
that all children are equal. Hence they are requested not to expect any preferential treatment.
16A Child will be sent home on an emergency with a person other than
the parents, only on producing Authorization Card issued by the school/and/or obtaining a
confirmation via phone call from the phone number which has been registered in the school office.